STEEL MODEL T FENDERS Excellent quality reproduction fenders made by Rootlieb. Fenders are exact gauge metal as original.
DELIVERY TIME/PAYMENT These fenders are made to order. Please allow 4-8 weeks delivery. California residents must add 7.25% sales tax.
SHIPPING Fenders are shipped direct to you from California. U.S.A.
STEEL MODEL T FENDERS Excellent quality reproduction fenders made by Rootlieb. Fenders are exact gauge metal as original.
DELIVERY TIME/PAYMENT These fenders are made to order. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery for 1909-16's. 4 to 8 weeks for 1917-27's. California residents must add 7.25% sales tax.
SHIPPING Fenders are shipped direct to you from California. Due to the bulky size of the fenders, they must be shipped at the "Oversize 2" rate with UPS which is 70 lbs. U.S.A.
STEEL MODEL T FENDERS Excellent quality reproduction fenders made by Rootlieb. Fenders are exact gauge metal as original.
DELIVERY TIME/PAYMENT These fenders are made to order. Please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. California residents must add 7.25% sales tax.
SHIPPING Fenders are shipped direct to you from California. U.S.A.
STEEL MODEL T FENDERS Excellent quality reproduction fenders made by Rootlieb. Fenders are exact gauge metal as original.
DELIVERY TIME/PAYMENT These fenders are made to order. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery for 1909-16's. 4 to 8 weeks for 1917-27's. California residents must add 7.25% sales tax.
SHIPPING Fenders are shipped direct to you from California. U.S.A.
STEEL MODEL T FENDERS Excellent quality reproduction fenders made by Rootlieb. Fenders are exact gauge metal as original.
DELIVERY TIME/PAYMENT These fenders are made to order. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery for 1909-16's. 4 to 8 weeks for 1917-27's. California residents must add 7.25% sales tax.
SHIPPING Fenders are shipped direct to you from California. U.S.A.
STEEL MODEL T FENDERS Excellent quality reproduction fenders made by Rootlieb. Fenders are exact gauge metal as original.
DELIVERY TIME/PAYMENT These fenders are made to order. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery for 1909-16's. 4 to 8 weeks for 1917-27's. California residents must add 7.25% sales tax.
SHIPPING Fenders are shipped direct to you from California. U.S.A.
STEEL MODEL T FENDERS Excellent quality reproduction fenders made by Rootlieb. Fenders are exact gauge metal as original.
DELIVERY TIME/PAYMENT These fenders are made to order. Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery. California residents must add 7.25% sales tax.
SHIPPING Fenders are shipped direct to you from California. U.S.A.