These screw kits are only for the 1928-29 Closed Cab Trucks. Each kit contains enough screws for one door.
Note: Order Roadster hinge screws for the Roadster Pickup listed under OPEN CAR DOOR HANDLES/PARTS. 30-1 Closed Cab Truck, order closed car screws under: CLOSED CAR DOOR HANDLES/PARTS.
Installs under the front seat and fits the following: 1928-31 Roadster Pickup; 1930-31 Closed Cab Truck; 1928-29 Coupe; 1928-31 Phaeton; 1928-31 Roadster.
Note: if you want to use a curtain Pan A-127-A on your 1928-31 Roadster or your 1929 Phaeton you will not use this pan. U.S.A.
Garnish molding guides that screw to the front and back of the window opening of 1928-29 Closed Cab Trucks as well as 1926-27 Coupe and Tudor Sedan. This is what your upper garnish molding (A-80301-L/A-80301-R) slides down on to hold in place. U.S.A.
Hardware for attaching the upper window frame retainers (A-80301-FT & A-80301-RR) to the doors. One set does both front and rear retainers on both doors. Used on 1928-29 Closed Cab Trucks and Panel Delivery Trucks. U.S.A.