The braided steel ground strap, 9 inches long. U.S.A.
The black plastic inserts that go at the base of the headlamp where the wires butt together. This is what joins the contacts in your headlight sockets to the wires coming into the headlamp from your lighting wire harness.
The headlamp conduits are what holds these and the wires in place.
Use A-14584-AR if you have the early 1928-29 headlamp buckets with the 11/16" I.D. socket holder in the base of the headlamp.
The later 1929-31 headlamp buckets had the larger 13/16" I.D. socket holder in the base of the headlamp and used the A-14584-B plugs. U.S.A.
This grommet is used in a couple of different places. One being on the ignition switch wire that runs through the middle of the terminal box on the firewall. This insulates the cable so it doesn't short out on the terminals.
Also replaces the rubber bushing used in the battery support bracket. U.S.A.