Used for all of the 1928-29 Model A's except the 4-door Sedans. Excellent quality reproduction hood made by Rootlieb. U.S.A.
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Original style cowl lacing kit for 1928-29. This original style uses a stainless wire to hold the lacing down over the gas tank, and the pieces on the cowl panels were riveted on with raven rivets. Contains 36" of 1/2" wide lace and 40" of special hollow 1" flat lacing. If you don't have your original hook (A-16739-AC) to draw down the wire in the top, you'll need to purchase one separately. USA
Replacement style cowl lacing kit for 1928-29. Kit contains 36" of 5/8" x 1/8" double bead lacing to go across the top of the gas tank and 42" of 1/2" x 1/8" double bead lacing to go on the front of the cowl panels. Raven split rivets for attaching are included. You will have to drill holes in the lip of the gas tank to mount the 5/8" wide lacing with the split rivets. USA